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Breastfeeding Problems – Reality Check

Find a resolution for your breastfeeding problem

Breastfeeding problems are a real headache for a new mom. And more so for the first-time breastfeeding mom.

With so many new things going on in your world, the last thing you want to worry about is mastitis or low milk supply.

Unfortunately breastfeeding challenges are reality and many moms face some type of issues... especially during the first couple of months.

Before going over the list of possible problems,  I want to share with you the attitude that successfully carried me through everything that was thrown at me and my baby during our breastfeeding relationship:

Once you decided to breastfeed your little one, try to face nursing complications open-mindedly. They may or may not occur. If they do, with some help you are totally capable of breastfeeding your way through them.

Easier said than done? Well, I can say that, because we went through many breastfeeding challenges. You can read about them below. Or click here to share yours!

Most women don't encounter any breastfeeding problems. For them breastfeeding goes smoothly and keeps both the baby and the mother happy. I wish you to be that mom.

But if at any time breastfeeding doesn't feel right, comfortable or starts to hurt, seek help. Look for reliable information. Turn to books on breastfeeding.

Seek help from a lactation consultant. In most cases one session is all it takes to resolve most of breastfeeding problems. It is money well-spent.

Good to Know: Women asking for and receiving help are more likely to breastfeed longer.

I think the fact that I asked for help and not ignored the problems or gave up on breastfeeding is the main reason I was able to breastfeed for 16 months.

So now let's get to it. Here is a list of breastfeeding problems that the mother or the baby may face. Click to get to the article. Or scroll down to read our story.

Mom's Issues

Baby's Issues

How We Had It

My milk came in next day after the delivery. My son was born in the 50th percentile weight-wise. Since birth he has never been an enthusiastic eater.

He was still in the 50th percentile at the two-month appointment. It dropped to 30th percentile by month 4, 20th by month 6, 15th by month 9, and 10th by month 12.

Was it devastating? For a mom who was utterly devoted to nursing and believed it was the ultimate good?! It surely was.

I also suspected that my milk supply was on the low side, but my son looked well-nourished and happy.
Other breastfeeding difficulties started when he was around 1.5 months old.

First he started going on regular nursing strikes.

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At times he would fuss for no obvious reason. Sometimes he would just suck for 5 minutes and then lose interest.

He cried a lot during feedings too.

Then he started spitting up what seemed to me was the entire meal. He never had colic and wasn’t acting like a colicky baby at all, but something definitely bothered him.

I planned to return to work after my 12 weeks of maternity leave. That’s why right around 1.5-months of age I started giving my son bottle with my milk in it.

Please keep in mind that back then I didn't know one tenth of what I know now and had no experience. So today I would do many things differently.

I was planning to pump. And my mom was supposed to bottle-feed my son while I was at work.

By this time my son was sleeping through the night. That left us with 5-6 feedings a day: bottle - 3 times and breast - 2-3 times.

When I returned to work and started pumping my milk supply dropped.

Bottle introduction, my son’s fussiness and nursing strikes, his dropping weight, my pumping experience and the low milk supply- all happened at the same time and turned the next month into a nightmare.

Not to mention when my son turned 5 months old I saw blood in his stool – sign of food allergy as I later learned. More on this here.

On top of this he had reflux, food allergies, nipple confusion and some latching problems… He was also tongue-tied.

My breastfeeding success was a group effort:

  • Pediatricians in our practice are all big lactation advocates.

They encouraged me to exclusively breastfeed through all breastfeeding problems. They assured me that my milk was all my baby needed and that I was doing great.

This is very important when you are looking for a pediatrician. Choose the one who shares your nursing views and goals.

  • I kept on going because my mom was there. You need a healthy dose of support from someone who did it before…even if it was 25 years ago.
  • I also consulted Medela lactation specialist.

Breastfeeding was quite an experience for me and my baby. I kept on going through all the nursing problems because I knew it was the best.

But even now going through my diary notes and remembering what it was like, I would not have it any other way!

Bonding was unbelievable. Till these days I still remember the smell of my breastfed baby. Truly so: once a nursing mother - always a nursing mother.

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